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Academic Honors - GSU Student-Athletes Shine - Fall 2023 Semester

Academic Honors - GSU Student-Athletes Shine - Fall 2023 Semester

Academic Honors - GSU Student-Athletes Shine - Fall 2023 Semester

"We would like to congratulate our student-athletes on a job well done academically for the Fall 2023 term! 56% of our students earned a 3.0 GPA or higher. Hard work and determination goes a long way, and I personally would like to say Thank You, for helping build this athletic department into an academic powerhouse.".
                                                                                                    -- GSU Assistant Athletic Director For Compliance and Student Success - Chandra Thompson -

GSU Student-Athletes 2023 Fall Semster Stats - Highlights:

14 - student athletes with a 4.0
55 - student athletes with a 3.5 - 3.99
48 - student athletes with a 3.0 - 3.49
Total: 117/208 = 56%