2020-21 Basketball Statistics - Governors State

FG %
3PT %
FT %
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 9-13 (.409)
Conference 7-4 (.636)
Streak Lost 3
Home 7-5
Away 2-8
Neutral 0-0
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Feb 11 Lincoln (Ill.) W, 66-59
Feb 13 Judson W, 57-42
Feb 15 Holy Cross W, 74-50
Feb 17 at Trinity Christian L, 55-50
Feb 20 St. Ambrose L, 61-53
Feb 23 Indiana Northwest L, 52-42
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/g pct 3pt/g pct ft/g pct ppg
Totals     5 5 200.0 25.2-60.6 41.6 6.2-21.2 29.2 9.8-12.2 80.3 66.4
Opponent     5 5 200.0 21.6-60.8 35.5 5.2-24.2 21.5 17.6-23.6 74.6 66.0
No stats are available at this time
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/g def/g reb/g pf/g dq/g ast/g to/g a/to stl/g blk/g
Totals     5 5 200.0 10.0 29.0 39.0 19.6 0.2 15.2 15.4 1.0 5.8 2.8
Opponent     5 5 200.0 12.0 25.0 37.0 12.2 0.0 14.0 12.8 1.1 8.8 4.2
No stats are available at this time
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min fg pct 3pt pct ft pct pts
Totals     5 5 1000 126-303 41.6 31-106 29.2 49-61 80.3 332
Opponent     5 5 1000 108-304 35.5 26-121 21.5 88-118 74.6 330
No stats are available at this time
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min off def reb pf dq ast to a/to stl blk
Totals     5 5 1000 50 145 195 98 1 76 77 1.0 29 14
Opponent     5 5 1000 60 125 185 61 0 70 64 1.1 44 21
No stats are available at this time
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g fg/40 pct 3pt/40 pct ft/40 pct pts/40
Totals     5 5 200.0 25.2-60.6 41.6 6.2-21.2 29.2 9.8-12.2 80.3 66.4
Opponent     5 5 200.0 21.6-60.8 35.5 5.2-24.2 21.5 17.6-23.6 74.6 66.0
No stats are available at this time
Ball control
# Name Yr Pos gp gs mpg off/40 def/40 reb/40 pf/40 dq/40 ast/40 to/40 a/to stl/40 blk/40
Totals     5 5 200.0 10.0 29.0 39.0 19.6 0.2 15.2 15.4 1.0 5.8 2.8
Opponent     5 5 200.0 12.0 25.0 37.0 12.2 0.0 14.0 12.8 1.1 8.8 4.2
No stats are available at this time
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Oct 30 at Indiana Wesleyan L, 80-61 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nov 1 at Indiana Tech L, 72-41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nov 24 at IU Kokomo L, 68-56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec 7 Indiana South Bend L, 83-51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec 10 at Trinity International   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec 12 St. Francis (Ill.) L, 70-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec 14 at Taylor L, 76-67 25-55 45.5 10-27 37.0 7-8 87.5 3 21 24 10 12 5 2 31 67
Dec 19 at Holy Cross L, 76-51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dec 21 Grace L, 85-51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan 2 at Indiana Northwest   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan 4 Mount Mercy W, 78-67 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan 9 Trinity International W, 58-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan 13 Trinity Christian W, 80-57 28-63 44.4 6-20 30.0 18-20 90.0 14 35 49 25 17 5 4 20 80
Jan 20 at Lincoln (Ill.)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jan 23 Calumet   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 1 at Olivet Nazarene W, 82-81 33-67 49.3 9-18 50.0 7-14 50.0 11 33 44 19 25 12 2 25 82
Feb 3 at St. Francis (Ill.) W, 51-49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 6 at Cardinal Stritch L, 68-62 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 8 at Saint Xavier L, 87-72 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 11 Lincoln College W, 66-59 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 11 Lincoln (Ill.) W, 66-59 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 13 Judson W, 57-42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 15 Holy Cross W, 74-50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 17 at Trinity Christian L, 55-50 19-55 34.5 2-17 11.8 10-11 90.9 12 33 45 5 13 3 3 10 50
Feb 20 St. Ambrose L, 61-53 21-63 33.3 4-24 16.7 7-8 87.5 10 23 33 17 10 4 3 12 53
Feb 23 Indiana Northwest L, 52-42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 5 126-303 41.6 31-106 29.2 49-61 80.3 10.0 29.0 39.0 15.2 15.4 5.8 2.8 19.6 66.4 0.921 0.022
Exhibition - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 2 49-126 38.9 10-44 22.7 25-28 89.3 12.0 29.0 41.0 21.0 13.5 4.5 3.5 16.0 66.5 0.930 0.127
Away 3 77-177 43.5 21-62 33.9 24-33 72.7 8.7 29.0 37.7 11.3 16.7 6.7 2.3 22.0 66.3 0.915 -0.049
Neutral - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wins 2 61-130 46.9 15-38 39.5 25-34 73.5 12.5 34.0 46.5 22.0 21.0 8.5 3.0 22.5 81.0 0.988 0.151
Losses 3 65-173 37.6 16-68 23.5 24-27 88.9 8.3 25.7 34.0 10.7 11.7 4.0 2.7 17.7 56.7 0.865 -0.085
December 1 25-55 45.5 10-27 37.0 7-8 87.5 3.0 21.0 24.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 2.0 31.0 67.0 0.985 -0.149
January 1 28-63 44.4 6-20 30.0 18-20 90.0 14.0 35.0 49.0 25.0 17.0 5.0 4.0 20.0 80.0 1.053 0.322
February 3 73-185 39.5 15-59 25.4 24-33 72.7 11.0 29.7 40.7 13.7 16.0 6.3 2.7 15.7 61.7 0.855 -0.033
Date Opponent Score Attend
Oct 30 at Indiana Wesleyan 61-80 Loss -
Nov 1 at Indiana Tech 41-72 Loss -
Nov 24 at IU Kokomo 56-68 Loss -
Dec 7 Indiana South Bend 51-83 Loss -
Dec 10 at Trinity International   -
Dec 12 St. Francis (Ill.) 49-70 Loss -
Dec 14 at Taylor L, 76-67 35
Dec 19 at Holy Cross 51-76 Loss -
Dec 21 Grace 51-85 Loss -
Jan 2 at Indiana Northwest   -
Jan 4 Mount Mercy 78-67 Win -
Jan 9 Trinity International 58-49 Win -
Jan 13 Trinity Christian W, 80-57 0
Jan 20 at Lincoln (Ill.)   -
Jan 23 Calumet   -
Feb 1 at Olivet Nazarene W, 82-81 0
Feb 3 at St. Francis (Ill.) 51-49 Win -
Feb 6 at Cardinal Stritch 62-68 Loss -
Feb 8 at Saint Xavier 72-87 Loss -
Feb 11 Lincoln College 66-59 Win -
Feb 11 Lincoln (Ill.) 66-59 Win -
Feb 13 Judson 57-42 Win -
Feb 15 Holy Cross 74-50 Win -
Feb 17 at Trinity Christian L, 55-50 0
Feb 20 St. Ambrose L, 61-53 0
Feb 23 Indiana Northwest 42-52 Loss -