HI JAGUARS! Thanks for stopping into Sports Information 101 - and I am Mark Johnson, your Sports Information Director for all the men’s and women’s teams – & I love what I do! I’ve been an SID for universities in D1, D2, NAIA, NJCAA and am happy to be here with you at GSU. I do all your team updates on our web site, write game stories & features, do the stats, CCAC and NAIA reporting, upload videos & links, do the Instagram, Twitter, FB, posts & YouTube –(Jaguars TV) with the great help of Z and all the Mark Kundla students in sports media too with our live streams for VB,Soccer, Basketball. Dean Jennings is great with our home game stats input and our game day crew of students all help at the scorers table. You may see me taking game photos home and away and or spotting for stats at all our Jaguars games. I WANT OUR WEBSITE TO BE THE BEST IN THE NAIA! - www.GSUJaguars.com That is why I have you checking in and filling out your questionnaire with some cool facts and information on each of you to help make your Player Profile bios fun for Jaguar Nation! My office is down the hall from Coach Tmack and Coach Rick offices so when you are walking by say hello & we’ll also see you at your team photo days too. GO JAGUARS! - From Your GSU SID – Mark Johnson - -any questions - email me: - mjohnson56@govst.edu -or stop by my office.